Preliminary Programme

16 July 2025
17 July 2025
18 July 2025
19 July 2025
World Assembly for Safety, Health and Wellbeing Professionals
Parallel morning workshops

Workshop Theme 1
The Future of OSH within the Sustainability Agenda

  • OSH and SDGs. The Agenda 2030 (and Beyond).
  • Prioritising responsible leadership, ethical practice and inclusive workforces essential for the future.
  • ESG developments. Regulatory landscape. The stakeholders.
  • OSH in sustainability reporting frameworks

Workshop Theme 2
The Future of Work and Workplaces: Harnessing Digitalisation for Safety, Health and Well-being

  • Changes in work organisation. Technology / Digitalisation / AI. Office / Remote working.
  • Effects on corporations, SMEs, entrepreneurs, digital platform work.

Workshop Theme 3
Climate Change and the Future of Work

  • Health and safety impacts.
  • Skills for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Just transition. Circular economy. Green skills and competencies in new technologies and related risks alongside a new regulatory framework.

Workshop Theme 4
OSH Competencies, Training and Skills for the Future World of Work

  • What has worked so far, vs. new trends: learning and training content, formats, structure, delivery methods: digitalisation, AI, metaverse, soundbite training through social media.
  • Transferrable skills development, re-skilling, lifelong learning. What engaging, effective and inclusive OSH training and education looks like.
  • OSH strategic, sustainability, and leadership skills in the changing world of work. OSH skills at the Corporate Boards level.
Parallel afternoon workshops

Workshop Theme 5
The Evolution of Human-Centric Workplaces: How to advance workplace wellbeing

  • Employee wellbeing initiatives – what works and what doesn’t. Mental health. Holistic approaches.
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) / Gender / Neurodiversity. Culture / Cross-cultural difference in OSH. Communication.
  • Ethical principles, standards and conduct
  • Safe by design – recognising the importance of organisational design, contracting strategies and work management on health and safety

Workshop Theme 6
Leading with OSH Metrics – the way forward to better prevention

  • Better understanding of the positive use of leading safety indicators and the unrealised potential of big data and analytics
  • Benchmarking.

Workshop Theme 7
How is the OSH profession transforming?

  • Embedding the culture of safety – beyond the compliance
  • Expanding occupational safety and health paradigm
  • New policies and practices, flexible work arrangements
  • Demand for research to fill knowledge gaps

Workshop Theme 8
The Future of OSH Partnerships and Relationships with other professionals

  • Partnerships among OSH bodies and associations: collaborations towards the common goal
  • Partnerships and collaborations among OSH stakeholders and other key stakeholders: sustainability professionals, ESG analysts, data scientists, HR professionals, finance and insurance stakeholders, etc.
Welcome Reception
A welcome reception will be held for the registered participants of the GISHW Safety, Health and Well-being Days at the EXPO2025.
Morning programme
Summit about Safety, Health and Wellbeing for All (Part 1)

Opening ceremony with senior representatives from UN-specialised Agencies (ILO and WHO) ISSA, IOSH, Government of Japan, IGSAP and EXPO management (tbc). International Leader Roundtable – Senior representatives from the leading international OSH-organisations and from the Government of Japan present their latest strategies for improving safety, health and well-being in a dramatically changing world of work, and discuss how they in this challenging context will promote the fundamental principles and rights at work including a safe and healthy working environment.


Afternoon programme
ILO Youth Congress

The ILO's Youth Congress on "Designing Safety, Health and Well-being at Work in the Digital Age" aims to raise awareness, particularly among young people, on their right to safe and healthy working environment and to promote action to realize it. This youth-centred initiative, spanning 2024-26, consists of series of participatory actions by youth. At the GISHW Youth Congress, the Calls to Action (CTA) submitted by selected youth teams are presented to the Competition and discussed at the High-level Panel. The awarded CTA will be implemented in the buy-in companies/organizations.

International Symposium on Safety, Health and Well-being for All

The International Symposium consists of policy and practice sessions:

  • 14 leading international organizations present their latest strategies and policies related to Safety, Health and Well-being
  • Global businesses share practical insights into their corporate-level management strategies related to Safety, Health and Well-being

International Strategies and Programmes for Safety, Health and Well-being (Part I)

  • ISSA – The Vision Zero Strategy and its global Implementation
  • WHO – Healthy Work for Happy Lives - Healthier, Safer and more Resilient Workplaces for All
  • IOHA – Addressing Occupational Health Priorities globally
  • ORP – Digitalisation and Wellbeing - New Era for Prevention

Socially sustainable Businesses: Innovation in Safety, Health and Well-being at Enterprise Level (Part I)

  • Holistic approaches: Vision Zero, Total Worker Health, One Life: Work & Home, attracting and retaining Talent
  • Collaborative safety and well-being/Safety 2.0
  • Digital OSH-monitoring and support systems: wearables and smart PPE, wireless sensor networks and drones, solutions for the GIG-economy
Morning programme
Summit about Safety, Health and Wellbeing for All (Part 2)
Plenary of the World Assembly of Safety, Health and Well-being Professionals

Theme: The Role of Safety, Health, and Wellbeing in Designing Future Society for Our Lives Opening with Keynotes introducing the theme, the event participants, and purpose of the event to the audience. Followed by panel discussions with workshop rapporteurs, leaders of international organizations and industry (speakers of the International Symposium) Compilation and dissemination of messages to the next generation and the world to improve safety, health, and wellbeing. (Programme details tbd) Summit Closing The Closing Ceremony of the Safety, Health and Well-being Summit at the EXPO2025 with senior representatives from international organisations, the EXPO-management and the Government of Japan. (tbc)

Afternoon programme
Safety, Health and Well-being Festival

The Festival aims at raising awareness by providing the EXPO-audience with insights into Safety, Health and Well-being through entertaining fashion shows, robot performances, videos and 3D presentations of the fascinating world of work. (Programme details tbd.)

International Symposium on Safety, Health and Well-being for All

International Strategies and Programmes for Safety, Health and Well-being (Part II)

  • EC/EU-OSHA - Safe and healthy Work in the digital Age
  • ILO - Accelerating progress towards the SDGs through the realization of a safe and healthy working environment as a fundamental right at work
  • ICOH - Climate Change and Workers’ Health: construction and migrant workers
  • APOSHO - The Strategy for Promoting a People-Centred Approach to Health and Wellbeing at Work

Socially sustainable Businesses: Digitalisation for Prevention – Safety, Health and Well-being Technologies (Part II)

  • Holistic approaches 2: OSH in Supply Chains, OSH & ESG, Return to Work, OSH & Environment
  • Managing and promoting mental health and well-being
  • Digital OSH-monitoring and support systems: wearables and smart PPE, wireless sensor networks and drones, solutions for the GIG-economy
Morning programme
International Symposium on Safety, Health and Well-being for All

International Strategies and Programmes for Safety, Health and Well-being (Part III)

  • WEF - A new Vision for Workforce Health (tbc.)
  • IOSH – The Role of OSH within Social Sustainability and making an Impact
  • ENSHPO – Present and Future of OSH Professionals. Challenges and Opportunities in a changing World
  • INSHPO - The evolving Role of the OHS Professional

Socially sustainable Businesses: Digitalisation for Prevention – Safety, Health and Well-being Technologies (Part III)

  • Managing risks such as chemical and ergonomic
  • Predictive digital solution: AI and big data, virtual engineering such as digital twins, emotional AI technology
  • Digitalisation and prevention culture: VR-based OSH-induction and training courses, mobile OSH-applications, digital OSH data and risk management systems


Afternoon programme
International Symposium on Safety, Health and Well-being for All

International Strategies and Programmes for Safety, Health and Well-being (Part IV)

  • IOSH – The Role of OSH within Social Sustainability and making an Impact (cont.)
  • ENETOSH - New Approaches to Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health: Building on uncertainty as a resource together with young people
  • OSH-AFRICA - The Slow Pace of OSH Development in Africa: The OSH Legislative Perspectives
  • IALI - Modern Labour Inspection Approaches – Vision Zero Workplaces

Socially sustainable Businesses: Innovation in Safety, Health and Well-being at Enterprise Level (Part IV)

  • Working safely in risk sectors such as construction and agriculture
  • Digitalisation and prevention culture: VR-based OSH-induction and training courses, mobile OSH-applications, digital OSH data and risk management systems
  • Predictive digital solution: AI and big data, virtual engineering such as digital twins, emotional AI technology
Future Monodzukuri International EXPO 2025
Theme Park at the EXPO 2025
Safety, Health and Well-being Trade Fair at the “Future Monodzukuri International EXPO 2025”

A Safety, Health and Well-being Trade Fair will be organised as part of the Future Monodzukuri International EXPO 2025.

Trade Fair Concept:

  • Future Manufacturing International EXPO 2025 organized by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun and A+A organized in collaboration with Messe Düsseldorf Japan
  • Dates: July 16-19 2025
  • Venue: INTEX Osaka (approximately 40,000 m2)
  • Estimated number of exhibiting companies: 600
  • Estimated number of visitors: 80,000
  • Focus of the exhibition: Emphasis on improving wellbeing, with the following areas as core exhibits
    • Automation and autonomy technologies such as robots, FA, IoT, mobility, transportation and conveyance, i-Construction, etc.
    • Advanced technology application areas such as AI, vital monitoring, advanced sensors, VR/AR, ICT technology, etc.
    • Safety technologies ranging from PPE and Exo skeletons to machine safety, functional safety, and cooperative safety
    • Demonstration and application in manufacturing, construction and civil engineering, agriculture, etc.
    • Support for holistic approaches to management, human resource development, technology, standardization, etc.
  • Aim of the exhibition: In addition to the commercial exhibition, safety, health and well-being theme exhibits by GISHW partners will demonstrate the strong link with GISHW and promote the understanding of the industry and visitors about its initiatives for Safety, Health, and Wellbeing for All.
Safety, Health and Well-being Theme Park at the EXPO 2025

A Theme Park about safety, health and wellbeing will be organised in parallel as part of the EXPO Messe.

  • Exhibition concept: The exhibition will be organised I collaboration with Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Messe Düsseldorf Japan and BASI.
  • Focus of the Theme Park: The Park will be thematic and interactive, offering hands-on experiences, playing and learning to the public visiting the Expo in Osaka,
  • Aim of the Theme Park: To raise awareness about the importance of safety, health and well-being, and to motivate individual to engage and take responsibility regarding health and well-being both at the workplace, at home and in society at large.

Global Initiative for Safety, Health & Wellbeing

The Global Initiative for Safety, Health, and Well-being (GISHW) is committed to building a socially sustainable future society, guided by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, ILO’s Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the ISSA’s Vision Zero mindset. Central to its mission is prioritizing individual safety, health, and well-being in the workplace as a key to global welfare
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